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Expired7 Day Freelance Productivity Challenge

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Discover your best, most productive self.

We have been freelancers and small business owners since 2008. We’ve had seasons where we were on top of our life and planning and scheduling, and we have had seasons where it felt like everything was spinning wildly out of control.

Productivity is an elusive thing…something we all want but that we all fight against maintaining consistently. If you’re ready for some easy-to-implement, practical tips for improving your calendar organization, making the most of your day, and fighting for your priorities to stay at the top of your to-do list, then this mini course is for you!

While this productivity course is set up as a 7-day sprint, you can of course go through it at whatever pace works best for your life and schedule.

What you’ll get:

7 challenges/assignments that inspire you to dig deep and get to the heart of your productivity and time management struggles.

Connection to a Facebook community of freelancers and individuals, providing inspiration, encouragement, and accountability.

Access to worksheets and videos from Derrick and Jennah encouraging you and offering real-world solutions to common productivity and scheduling pitfalls.

This course will help you uncover the root of your productivity setbacks, and will give you the practical tools needed to set up systems that you can stick to.

When you are in charge of your schedule (and not the other way around) it empowers you to do the best work possible, free of anxiety or distractions.

What students are saying about this freelancer productivity course:

“Loved this challenge, thanks guys! For me, setting out my anchors and values in advance was so helpful. I had things listed like health and a clear mind, but realized I don’t give myself any time to actually squeeze them in. I’m excited to build my schedule for the next few weeks and place them intentionally!” – Jamie Ernst

“Hi Derrick and Jennah really enjoying the productivity challenge so far already finding ways to improve my productivity during the day and ways that I can fit more in, instead of staying focused on a few things and feeling bad for not doing others. great stuff so far!!” – Neil

“Thanks for this great opportunity!” – Roselyn

We can’t wait to see you in the course!


Derrick and Jennah Mitchell

Who this course is for:
This course is perfect for anyone that wants to be in charge of their calendar
This course is for students of any age or profession that want to boost productivity and eliminate areas of wasted time

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