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One of the most important features that developers need to possess nowadays is speed. If a developer can work fast and efficiently, they become a truly valuable asset to the team. This is the same when working on solo projects – speed is extremely important if you want to be efficient with your work. Luckily, there are certain tools available for developers that help them reach maximum efficiency without having to go out of their way to do so. One of such tools is AWS CodeDeploy – an essential program that every single developer must know in order to be proficient in what they do. In this AWS tutorial, you will be able to learn everything that you might require about AWS CodeDeploy.Why Learn About AWS CodeDeploy?AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a platform that is simply essential for each and every developer to know and use. Most of the companies that are interested in hiring developers and coders use AWS – especially if the companies work based on the DevOps philosophy. Even though AWS cloud computing offers a wide variety of features to explore and use, there are designated essential ones that are a must – AWS CodeDeploy is one of them. CodeDeploy is concerned with a process that is known as AWS deployment – this process allows developers to automate a lot of their actions and commands. This means that the developer does not need to concern him or herself with some of the more generic tasks, and can work on the more important stuff in the meantime.

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