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Principles of Sustainable Design


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The principles of sustainable design are integral to all stages of the design and build process and can drive innovation, while also preserving natural resources.

This course includes video lectures, design challenges, Fusion 360 software tutorials, and a range of sustainable design documents and examples from leading experts in the field. During this course, you will use Fusion 360 CAD/CAM software to design, develop, prototype, and test sustainable innovation through a series of 3-hour challenge assignments.

Working through this structured approach, you can learn how to suspend your judgment and look at things in a new way. Whether you are looking to improve an existing solution or address a sustainable challenge for the first time, this course prepares product designers and engineers to take a quick step forward to integrating the principles of sustainability into their design process.

After completing this course, students will:

  • Explain the learning objectives, and download the software and project resources required for this course.
  • Use Fusion 360 CAD to apply the principles of sustainable design to identify environmental savings during the design process.
  • Through a series of innovation challenges, develop knowledge and skills in Fusion 360 CAD for parametric and freeform modeling, 3D sculpting, finite element analysis (FEA) simulation, technical drawing, assembly, 3D printing, CAM, photorealistic rendering, collaboration, sharing, live review, and other cloud-based feedback tools.
  • Use Whole Systems and Lifecycle Thinking design strategies to create a Circular Lifecycle Boundary diagram for a new cell phone, outlining the key environmental savings in the new system.
  • Use design-for-product-lifetime strategies, and attach a reference image in Fusion 360 to freeform-design a kettle concept with reduced components to enable easy user access and replacement of failed parts.
  • Use green materials design strategies with Fusion 360 to explore and extract material data and create detailed exploded views for the design of a new domestic recycling product.
  • Use energy-efficient design strategies with parametric modeling techniques in Fusion 360, to understand the role of friction and how to reduce it, during the design of a car tire tread solution.
  • Use lightweighting, simulation, and reinforcing design strategies in Fusion 360 to carry out shape optimization and reduce the material mass of an industrial designed part.
  • Use persuasive design strategies with Fusion 360 to model and animate movement to communicate an interactive children’s shoe concept.
  • Use biomimicry design strategies and Fusion 360 to quickly create symmetry in design, using mirror and pattern features and origins to balance the design of a cell phone.

Contents and Overview

This course consists of 26 sections that include lectures and hands-on exercises introducing the principles of sustainability as a way to improve product design and build process, while also preserving natural resources. Each lesson includes comprehensive lecture presentations and project exercises that include step-by-step video instruction, as well as checkpoint quizzes, challenge assignments, and a final course assessment.

At the beginning of the course, we’ll introduce you to the principles of sustainability through several case studies that serve as good practice models. We’ll then explain how to use Whole Systems and Lifecycle Thinking design strategies to identify innovation opportunities to make environmental savings during the design process.

After you’ve been introduced to these principles, we’ll discuss how to extend product lifetimes through a number of design strategies. You’ll also learn good practice models for green materials selection, as well as energy-efficient design strategies to identify sustainability savings during the design process.

In the second half of the course, we’ll study the concepts of lightwighting, which is a process in reducing material to improve environmental impact. We will also introduce the concept of persuasive design, a process which identifies sustainability savings will help you communicate your design concepts to others. Finally, we’ll cover the concept of biomimicry, which is a process that takes inspiration from nature to create better designs.

At the end of the course, you’ll have the chance to review the course appendix, which offers additional support and resources to learn Autodesk Fusion 360. By working through the structured approach of sustainable design, you can learn how to suspend your judgement and look at things in a new way.

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