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ExpiredReactJS and Flux – Learn By Building 10 Projects


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ReactJS and Flux – Learn By Building 10 Projects

It is universally known that you learn more when you have fun, than when you are bored. The same is applicable to learning programming languages. When you do the projects and get your hands dirty, is when you learn not only concepts but also how to deal with problems that can arise during coding.

This is what our Projects Using React.JS and Flux course is aiming for. Not only do we believe in sharing knowledge, but we believe that learning should be fun. It should not be just a monotonous experience of memorizing, but actually creating and growing. Our 10 projects will not only familiarize you with the concepts of React.JS and Flux, but it will also teach you how to use those concepts in real world applications.

So, what exactly are React.JS and Flux? Both technologies were developed by Facebook at different times to simplify their processes of creating applications.

React.JS is an open-source JavaScript library that provides a view that is rendered using components that contain additional components specified as custom HTML tags. It is a way to constantly keep your DOM up-to-date. Using JSX (an XML type syntax), it makes the code more readable and similar to writing HTML.

However, Flux is slightly different. Flux is an application architecture that is used for creating client-side web applications. Working in tandem with React, it utilizes a unidirectional data flow. Flux was created to deal with scalability issues that arises in the MVC and to also simplify the data flow that can create problems.

Our tutorial has been designed to be fun, engaging and to also teach you how the technologies work. The course will break down the two different technologies, let you know how it works together and even how it can be used to create actual working applications.

In this course, you will build the following 10 projects:

Project 1 – Bootstrap React Components – This starter project will familiarize you on how you can create simple React components using the Bootstrap framework.

Project 2 – Github Profile Viewer – This project will show you how to create a UI using React and also how to fetch data from the Github API.

Project 3 – Quick Quiz – This course will get you started on how to design a simple quiz using ReactJS.

Project 4 – Movie Find – Learn how to use the OMDB API to fetch data and create a database for movies.

Project 5 – Contact List – Learn how to make a contact list using the Firebase database technology

Project 6 – Stickypad Notes – This project will teach you how to create a ToDo List that looks like a Sticky Note

Project 7 – InfoFinder Search Engine – Create a working search engine using the DuckDuckGo API.

Project 8 – Youtube Gallery – Learn how to make a video gallery that allows you to add YouTube videos using just the ID of the video.

Project 9 – Socket.io Chat – Create a functional chat application that allows you to add a username and send messages back and forth over web sockets.

Project 10 – Workout Logger – Learn how to create a local storage and make Workout Logger with a mobile friendly interface, which allows you to input your exercise data.

With so much packed in one course, what are you waiting for? Press that Enroll button and let us get started with learning and having some fun!

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