
Android App Development in 34 Hours : MobDevOps+ Android 13


What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to develop Android apps using the powerful Kotlin programming language.
  • Discover why Kotlin is the best language for developing Android apps.
  • Understand how to use Android Studio and the Android SDK to build amazing apps.
  • Learn about motion layout and how to create stunning visual effects in your apps.
  • Discover the benefits of using the libraries for creating animations in your apps.
  • Learn how to build user interfaces that are responsive and easy to use.
  • Understand the basics of Android app architecture and how to build robust apps.
  • Learn about the Android activity lifecycle and how to handle common events.
  • Discover how to use fragments and layouts to create dynamic and flexible apps.
  • Understand how to use material design principles to create beautiful and intuitive user interfaces.
  • Learn how to build apps that work across different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Discover how to use the Android Jetpack library to build apps with better performance and scalability.
  • Understand how to use Android notifications to keep your users informed and engaged.
  • Learn how to use the Android intent system to communicate between different parts of your app.
  • Discover how to use the Android navigation component to create navigation graphs and simplify navigation in your app.
  • Understand how to use Android resources to create apps with different languages and themes.
  • Learn how to use data binding to simplify your code and create more maintainable apps.
  • Discover how to use the Android Room library to create apps with local data storage.
  • Understand how to use the Android view model to create apps with better separation of concerns.
  • Learn how to use the Android LiveData library to create reactive and responsive apps.
  • Discover how to use the Android work manager to perform background tasks in your app.
  • Understand how to use the Android camera and media APIs to create apps with multimedia capabilities.
  • Learn how to use the Android location and maps APIs to create apps with location-based features.
  • Discover how to use the Android material components library to create apps with a modern and consistent look and feel.
  • Understand how to use the Android testing frameworks to create automated tests for your app.
  • Learn how to publish your app to the Google Play Store and reach millions of users.
  • Discover how to monetize your app with ads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions.
  • Understand how to optimize your app for performance and battery life.
  • Learn how to troubleshoot common issues and debug your app.
  • Get hands-on experience by building a complete Android app from scratch!
  • Learn how to integrate third-party libraries and APIs into your app.
  • Discover how to create custom views and animations for your app.
  • Understand how to use the Android support library to create apps that work on older devices.
  • Learn about the best practices for designing and developing Android apps.
  • Discover how to use Kotlin coroutines to create responsive and asynchronous apps.
  • Understand how to use Android data binding to create a clean and maintainable codebase.
  • Learn how to use Android resources to create apps that work in different screen orientations and resolutions.
  • Discover how to use Android fragments to create dynamic and flexible user interfaces.
  • Understand how to use Android services to create background tasks and long-running operations.
  • Learn how to use Android broadcast receivers to receive and process system events.
  • Discover how to use Android content providers to share data between apps.
  • Understand how to use Android material design principles to create apps that look and feel modern.
  • Learn how to use Android view models to separate your app’s UI from its business logic.
  • Discover how to use Android navigation to create a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Understand how to use Android notifications to keep your users engaged and informed.
  • Learn how to use Android data binding to create a clean and maintainable codebase.
  • Discover how to use Android view animations to create visual effects and improve user experience.
  • Understand how to use Android RecyclerView to create lists and grids in your app.
  • Learn how to use Android shared preferences to store app settings and preferences.
  • Discover how to use Android location services to add location-based features to your app.
  • and other awesome topics ->
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