
Arabic: Learn Arabic Language| Online Arabic Language Course



  • Be ready to speak Arabic
  • Ask questions


Marhaba (Hello and welcome)!

My name is Nezha, and welcome to Arabic 4 U!

Before I talk to you about the course, please read what this student said about it:

This course is a great beginning to basic Arabic conversation in both MSA and as generic a dialect as you’ll find. There are no lengthy lists of related vocabulary words and bizarre sentences like you’ll find in many other courses. Instead, there are common conversational topics and short stories. You’ll also find detailed instruction with plenty of repetition and reasonable pauses for you to repeat the material. The best part is that, wherever appropriate, there are multiple lines of color-coded translations: Arabic (with a focus on the proper Arabic script) and two English translations, including one with a verbatim translation. This shows a true understanding of language learning on the instructor’s part as this method allows the student to learn not only new words but also a new way of thinking as most English-speakers will need to learn to structure ideas in a completely new way. I started the course earlier than I was ready as I had not yet learned how to read in Arabic well enough to get the most out of this course. By the time I returned to it, it had been updated and more great content had been added. Whenever I’ve had a question, I’ve received a helpful and respectful answer. I would highly recommend this course if you can read Arabic and are ready to start learning basic sentences. شكراً جزيلاً يا نزهة


After taking this online Arabic language course, you will start to:

  1.    Speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world
  2.    Understand Formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic MSA or Fusha

    Arabic speakers learn Modern Standard Arabic in school.

    It is used in Arabic books, Arabic news, Arabic documentaries, Arabic road signs, and Arabic formal speeches.

  3.    Make sentences in the Arabic language on your own
  4.  Speak the version of the Arabic language called “White Dialect of Arabic” that Arabic speakers from different countries speak and understand.
  5.   Understand Arabic Grammar and Arabic Conjugation.


    Understanding Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation will allow you to learn Arabic quickly.


Who this course is for:

  • Students who want to learn formal Arabic and spoken Arabic at the same time
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