
Prisoners of Us

Imagine a prison with no bars, no walls… only the terrifying labyrinth of your own mind.
Daniel’s return to university for his final year promises a familiar escape. Instead, he stumbles into a chilling reality where the very fabric of existence seems to unravel. His new house thrums with unsettling secrets, his housemates shrouded in an aura of unnerving silence. Each day brings a new bizarre occurrence, chipping away at Daniel’s sanity like a relentless chisel.

Love becomes a twisted game, friendships a breeding ground for suspicion. As the walls of his reality warp, echoing memories bleed into a nightmarish present. The line between trust and betrayal blurs, leaving Daniel questioning his own perceptions. Every whisper becomes a potential threat, every encounter fuels a fire of paranoia.

Can he trust even the beating of his own heart?

Prisoners of Us is a psychological thriller that will ensnare you in a web of escalating suspense. Brace yourself for a chilling descent into the darkest corners of the mind, where the only escape lies in confronting the demons that lurk within.

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