The Farmer

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Steve is a part time farmer near Westport in the west of Ireland. He has worked his land for many years. Through doing this, he has become accustomed to all parts of his fields. He knows what plants grow where, and even knows what wildlife live in what areas. One day he notices something unusual in one of his fields. Anybody else wouldnt have given this mildly ‘not normal’ thing, a second thought. But Steve knew that something wasn’t right. He was correct, it wasn’t right.
In fact it was very wrong! Steve and his wife find they are now in danger because of this discovery. What can they do?

The Farmer is a novella/novel and part of the ‘Tales by the Fireside’ collection. It is set in Ireland and contains approx 18,100 words. No ‘AI’ tools were used in writing this book.

About the author

Rosie Harrigan

I like to write stories which have a twist at the end.

Sometimes they can be very dark and deep, but I like to take the reader/listener on a journey with lots of unexpected bumps along the way.

No story must ever be predictable.

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